We are all looking for our place in this world and I hope to help you feel more certain and secure as we dive into your purpose.

We are all looking for our place in this world and I hope to help you feel more certain and secure as we dive into your purpose.


Hi friends, I’m Kaela!

I started with a small idea and turned it into a business. My personal experiences in business development, marketing and social strategy make for the perfect recipe for a creative studio. I navigate my way through the ever changing markets, which makes Elu the perfect resource for your small business and evolving brands.

I wouldn't be able to create, design and dream if it wasn't for my family and friends pushing me and believing in my vision.

A special thanks to all the people who have supported me throughout this journey!

My Story

Everyone has a story, but only some will share their trials and tribulations. Elu started out as a figment of the imagination in my wildest dreams. Starting my own business had been a thought in the forefront of my mind for some time but it had often been followed by fear and doubt contemplating the what ifs, cants, and should nots. We tend to be our own worst critics but given the right action can become our biggest cheerleaders. I saw myself at a pivotal point in my life and the opportunity to make something for myself and my family was right in front of me. Ever since I was a little girl when people would ask me what I wanted to do I would answer with, “I will own my own business”.

I have been in a wide variety of industries but gravitated to roles where I could develop business, improve marketing techniques and use my creativity to inspire design. I started to see a trend in myself when I would move into a new role. I would immediately work to grow the business by generating more revenue by focusing on marketing and reduce costs by implementing more dynamic tools and efficient processes. Many large companies have their structures and guidelines laid out and tend to be difficult to invoke change, but I had a knack for seeing cracks in those structures. I would get to a point where my ideas were stifled by red tape and find myself losing autonomy forcing me to move to the next project. As you can imagine, that is not very sustainable. This is where Elu Creative Studios was born.

I have been mentored by successful leaders from formidable companies that were able to pass on their knowledge and build my confidence to take a leap of faith into my very own venture. I want this creative studio to be the core foundation for small businesses who are looking to rebrand, reinvent and reconstruct their vision. Our journey starts with re aligning with your goals and ends with achieving the ultimate vision you have for your business by providing the level of service your business deserves.